Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nukedit 4.9.x Login bypass SQL Injection

Nukedit is a free content management system (CMS).
I found some sql injection bugs in 4.9.x versions.

See here or here for proof of concept

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

FAddr, BrutDic and Dummy Protector

some new programs:
a program for finding address of APIs in DLLs.
Source of this program

Dummy Protector 1.01
don't let newbie crackers to crack your programs!

a command-line brute force dictionary maker.
you can use both words and letters in brute force string.
with opt:1 option you can avoid creating words that have 2 same letter near each other. this reduces number junk words
opt:2 avoid creating words with repetitive letter.
for more read usage.